A guide on the science of kindness and how it applies to teens.
The Issue:
Kindness is defined as an act in service to someone else without the expectation of anything in return. An act of kindness is beneficial for the person receiving the kindness, and the person initiating the kindness. We know that kindness reduces stress, anxiety, and depression and improves self-worth and happiness. Kindness is a choice, a culture and a muscle that we need to exercise – it makes us healthier, and it makes our communities healthier.
The Prompt:
Research how kindness impacts how we feel about ourselves, how we feel about each other, and how healthy our schools and communities are. Make a game that teaches people how being kind matters.
Kind Communities – A bridge to Youth Mental Wellness
Kindness matters. Young people who describe their environments as kind are more likely to be mentally healthy. That’s true for youth in high schools, colleges, and the workplace.
Cities of Kindness
Kinder communities are healthier communities. Learn how mayors across the country are implementing kindness, and how it’s benefiting their cities.
Self-Care Tips
Being kind includes being kind to yourself. Learn ways you can start!
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